What is a Nurse Apprentice?

A Nurse Apprentice is an employee of an agency who is currently enrolled in a pre-licensure registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) nursing program. Nurse Apprentices work at a health care facility providing nursing care following the Nevada State Board of Nursing approved skills list.

Number of Nursing Students employed as apprentices through this program – Be part of the success!
Number of Nurse Apprentices hired by the facility following graduation & licensure – On average 1 in 3!

How do I apply?

Nursing students enrolled in a RN or LPN program are encouraged to contact the health care facility’s human resource department directly to inquire about an open position.

Our participation map includes contact information as well as a link to the facility careers page for each facility. Please contact them directly or use our contact form for assistance.

See the map of participating facilities

Working Student Travel Reimbursement

Funding is available directly to the Nurse Apprentice if the travel distance is at least 50 miles (one way) from the employing hospital. This funding will reimburse at the GSA rates for food per diem, mileage, and lodging if needed (with lodging receipt required). This reimbursement will be made via EFT so banking information is required.

Please note: mileage is reimbursed for the shortest direct route traveled in accordance with 41 CFR 301-2.4. (Airfare will not be reimbursed).

Click here to Register or update information

2024 Requests

All request forms are due by the 10th of each month for travel that occurred the month prior.

2024 - Click here to submit your travel request